Monday, May 27, 2013

The Leaked Secret to "solar energy facts" Discovered

Marine Solar Panels.

Solar panels can be a great help to sailors, keeping vital lights and appliances functioning, even when batteries run low or a generator malfunctions. They are also a much quieter way of recharging batteries!

Learning how to install marine solar panels will be vital for the sailor who wants their advantages, but first he or she must learn which solar panels are best. Three types of solar cells are commonly used in solar panels, each with its own advantages. The sailor needs to learn these advantages and select the solar panels that are best for the need.

Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels must be kept from shading, as shaded cells draw energy for themselves from other cells.

1. Solar panels using mono crystalline cells have high conversion efficiency, and take up less space, but lack shade protection.

2. Solar panels using poly crystalline cells have even higher conversion efficiency, take up even less space, but still lack shade protection.

3. Solar panels using amorphous silicon cells have lower conversion efficiency, and take up more space, but do have shade protection. This can be especially important on a sailboat.

Marine solar panels are available in both hard and flexible types. Hard solar panels can be attached to the deck, while flexible solar panels might be attached to deck or canvas.

Size and Number of Solar Panels

Learning how to install marine solar panels will include calculations to determine what size and how many solar panels you will need. This information is readily available on the Internet by searching the question: "What size solar panel do I need" on your favorite search engine. The rule of thumb is to allow for 20% more solar panel power than you estimate you will need.

Placement of Solar Panels

Once you have determined the size and number of solar panels needed, you will be better able to determine where they will be placed. The best places depend on the boat's configuration and size of the panels. Take your time and think it through. Read the instructions that came with your solar panels. You will want to avoid all violations of warranty terms.

The simple answer to how to install marine solar panels is: in the sun. Select locations that will get maximum sunlight without shaded spots.

In placing marine solar panels, consider the use of extra bars/braces to secure the panels. You obviously want them to remain stable.

Check out this website for more information about this solar system.